Because each social platform adheres to a different part of the sales funnel and helps to nurture and push your audience through to the last phase: Decision.

“67% of the buyer’s journey is now done digitally.”

So you need to make sure you cover all grounds to ensure that you are not missing any “foot traffic” and properly optimizing and utilizing all appropriate platforms.

So what exactly should you do?

Figure out:

1. Which platforms are the most appropriate for your business;
2. Which will give you the greatest ROI; and
3. How to lead your audience to close the sale

Let's talk about the 3 heavy hitters right now: Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok

  • We'll go through their:

  • Age range

  • User behaviour

  • Goals that can be achieved

  • Phase(s) of the sales funnel it nurtures

  • How to lead your audience into the final phase



Age range:

User behaviours:
Engaging in groups and reposting from Instagram

Goals that can be achieved:
Community growth, community engagement, driving, traffic to your website

Phase of the sales funnel it nurtures:

How to lead your audience into the next phase:
The best way to currently utilize Facebook is to manage and engage with your community and continue to build genuine relationships with them. By the time your audience starts engaging with you in your Facebook group, they’re already in the interest/consideration phase of the sales funnel (or they could even be return customers) which means they just need that extra push to purchase. You can do this in two ways:

1. Find out what the hesitation is (is it pricing? User experience on the website? Shipping issues? Etc)
2. Have clear CTAs (sometimes prospects just need an extra push



Age range:

User behaviours:
Research, sharing information, engaging with others

Goals that can be achieved:
Brand awareness, community growth, community engagement, driving traffic to your website

Phases of the sales funnel it nurtures:
Awareness & Interest/Consideration
Instagram is great to build your brand story and relationships with your prospects. It's great for casting a net to gain brand awareness and growing potential customers.

How to lead your audience into the next phase:
Make sure to:
Create each post with the interest of your target customer in mind
Set up a linkinbio link so each post leads your audience to (a section of) your website
Have only one, clear CTA



Age range:

User behaviours:
Entertainment, research

Goals that can be achieved:
Brand awareness, community growth, community engagement

Phase of the sales funnel it nurtures:
TikTok is similar to Instagram in that it helps to build your brand narrative and
grow your community. The only difference is the age range of its typical users. However, as the platform is starting to age, so are its users. So if your target customers are slightly outside of the age range, you'll still be able to cast a net (just smaller) to funnel them into your sales funnel.

How to lead your audience into the next phase:
Make sure to:
Have your website in your profile
Have a clear CTA to click on the link either in your video, caption, or first comment.